Hillarina posledná noc

Odporúčam nasledovnú text pre všetkých, komu nejde do hlavy prečo slniečkári, pravdovravkovia a zaumní krasoduchovia tak milujú najskorumpovanejšiu osobu v americkom politickom systéme (obdivovanú feministkami pretože) schopnú ísť za svojou  kariérou a z toho plynúcimi ziskami aj cez mŕtvoly (preto jej prezývka Killary). Za senátorku N. Yorku sa napríklad dostala vďaka amnestiám jej manžela skorumpovaným vodcom miestnej židovskej komunity, ktorá volí uniformne. Vychutnajte si, ako sa správala táto akože „láskavá dáma“ a „demokratka“, keď zistila, že po prvý krát nedostane hračku, ktorú si vybrala. Veď už naplánovala obrovskú oslavu. Ako rozbíjala nábytok, ako nemohla byť spitá mocou, tak sa spila inak a ako vrieskala a vinila všetkých naokolo len seba nie. A TÁTO kreatúra chýba pravdovravkom na čele USA? Všetci kšeftári s ľudským nešťastím vo vojensko-priemyselnom komplexe (pred ktorých cynickým krvavým biznisom varoval už prezident Eisenhower), ktorým Hillary toľko nasľubovala, sa teraz boja o svoje kšefty vojničkami po celom svete a provokáciami Rusov. Tak, aby nebol Trump nielen 45. prezident USA, ale aj ďalší,ktorého sa táto klika zbavila…


Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full.

The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.

Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.

The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.

Clinton’s splurge on party supplies was merely an echo of all the left-leaning polls and hype that „confirmed“ Hillary Clinton’s indubitable win. Misled by just about every prediction, Hillary Clinton personally planned one big party for her assumed victory. Once it became clear that it would not be Clinton’s night, however, the mood of the party soured rapidly.

A former staffer, who was fired during the rampage, said that the atmosphere around Clinton went from „queen of the hour“ to „the girl who was dumped on prom night“ in only a few moments.

Hillary Clinton reportedly became “physically violent” towards her own campaign staff after she realized she had lost the presidential election, according to radio host Todd Kincannon. “CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained,” tweeted Kincannon.

It was Podesta who was sent out to talk to Hillary’s dejected supporters shortly before Hillary called Donald Trump to concede, with Clinton nowhere to be seen until the following day.

When asked about rumors that Hillary was drunk on election night, Kincannon responded, “She was. I posted about that too. She was in a “psychotic drunken rage” according to my reporter friend. Doctor added sedatives to the mix.”

Kincannon then claimed that CNN blocked the reporter from publishing what would have been a bombshell story. “The CNN reporter didn’t fail to report it. His editors will not let him. CNN has banned all “Hillary in the bunker” stories,” he tweeted.

Secret Service officials and other staff who worked closely alongside Hillary have previously reported her problems with angry tantrums on numerous occasions. Last year it was also reported that Clinton’s own campaign staffers feared she could have a serious meltdown and that Hillary had been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work.” In addition to claims that she became irate, author Ed Klein said a source told him Hillary cried inconsolably to a friend after the results came in, blaming FBI director Comey and President Barack Obama for not doing enough to stop the FBI investigation into her email scandal.

Únosy detí na Ukrajine? Ako funguje „double standard“. . .


Na Západe je známy aj výraz „double standard“, kedy určité kritériá sú na jedných aplikované, na iných nie. A dobre vedia, čo to znamená. Vo Vietname Američania najskôr barbarským bombardovaním civilných cieľov narobili tisíce sirôt a potom ich asi 3 300 odviezli z Vietnamu, z čoho boli aj súdy s podozrením na ÚNOS! Ale nikomu nenapadlo vydať kvôli tomu na [...]

Náckovia na Slovensku?


História sa opakuje. Zvlášť, keď jej niekto pomôže. Mnoho príslušníkov SS utieklo po II. svetovej vojne z Európy za výdatnej pomoci ilegálnej siete Odessa, ako o tom píše Frederick Forsyth v knihe „Spis Odessa“ a významnou prestupnou stanicou bol aj Vatikán! Viacerí sa usadili v USA a Kanade, kde nie je dodnes nacizmus považovaný za zločinnú ideológiu (??!). [...]

Predvolebná reinkarnácia, či prekabátenie Matoviča a jemu podobných


História sa opakuje. Po Novembri 1989 sa viacerým komunistickým poskokom podarilo reinkarnovať do novej doby. Žiarivým príkladom je Ján Štrasser, profesionálny komunistický vriťolezec (viď výber „Nám s úsmevom sa kráča… The best of KSS & KSČ“, kde mu patrí čelná pozícia medzi autormi komunistických „častušiek“), ktorý dvakrát podpísal Antichartu. [...]

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